Andrew Ireland is a Professor of Computer Science, founder member of the Dependable Systems Group and currently Head of Computer Science at Heriot-Watt. His research focuses on automated reasoning and the verification of software intensive systems. He has won substantial EPSRC funding over the last 18-years, and is currently PI of a Platform Grant (PG) which includes the University of Edinburgh and Queen Mary University of London. The PG funding underpins a blend of theoretical computer science and AI - including computational creativity. His industrial collaborators have included BAE, Altran (formerly Praxis Critical Systems), QinetiQ and DRisQ. He is a founder member of the IFIP Working Group 1.9/2.14 on Verified Software. He has had organisational involvement with numerous international workshop and conference series, including: the Verified Software: Theories, Tools & Experiments (VSTTE), the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) and the Automated Verification of Critical Systems workshop series (AVoCS). He was chair/co-chair of ASE 2008, VSTTE 2010, AVoCS 2015. He was co-chair of the Award Committee for the Microsoft Research Verified Software Milestone Award (2011-13).