Dr. Ekaterina Komendantskaya is an Associate Professor in Computer Science, in the School of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Heriot-Watt University. She leads the Lab for AI and Verification (www.LAIV.uk) at Heriot-Watt. Her research interests are in the areas of Logic and Verification, including verification of neural networks and other machine learning algorithms, and design of novel programming languages and tools for AI verification. Dr. Komendantskaya's research on logic and verification has been published in leading international conferences such as CSL, ICLP, ESOP, FLOPS, PADL. She has been a PC member of a dozen of conferences on logic, programming languages and AI, and most recently the Chair of PPDP’19 and PADL’20. Previously, Dr. Komendanstakaya was a Reader and Lecturer at Dundee university, an EPSRC Research Fellow in Theoretical Computer Science at St Andrews University, Research Assistant in INRIA, France, and a PhD student at the University College Cork.