CDT-D2AIR Observable/Auditable Course Topics
As part of the CDT-D2AIR course on Synthesis of Dependable and Deployable AI for Robotics, students will have an opportunity to observe/audit topics in a number of AI and robotics courses at Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh. The following is an indicative list of courses/topics that will be available to CDT students:
Heriot-Watt University taught
- Advanced Interaction Design
- Advanced Software Engineering
- Biologically Inspired Computing
- Computer Games Programming
- Conversational Agents and Spoken Language Processing
- Data Mining and Machine Learning
- Foundations of Learning and Computer Vision
- Graph Methods for Imaging, Vision and Computing
- Human Robot Interaction
- Image Processing
- Industrial Programming
- Intelligent Robotics
- Optimisation & Deep Learning for Imaging and Vision
- Programs and Proofs or Mechanised Verification
- Rigorous Methods for Software Engineering
- Robotic Mechanical Systems
- Robotics Systems Science
- Software Engineering Foundations
- Statistical Modelling and Analysis
University of Edinburgh taught
- Advanced Robotics
- Algorithmic Game Theory and its Applications
- Applied Machine Learning
- Bayesian Theory
- Case Studies in AI Ethics
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Vision
- Formal Verification
- Fundamentals of Optimization
- Human Computer Interaction
- Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
- Machine Learning Theory
- Machine Learning Practical
- Modelling Concurrent Systems
- Principles and Design of IoT Systems
- Privacy and Security with Machine Learning
- Probabilistic Modelling and Reasoning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Secure Programming
- Security Engineering
- Software Development
- Standards Compliant Software Development
Please note that some of the above courses/topics may not be available in a particular year. Details of the courses available to students to observe/audit will be distributed at the start of the CDT-D2AIR programme.