09:30-10:00 Registration and Coffee
10:00 Welcome by Prof. Lynne Baillie and Dr Katrin Lohan
10:10-10:40 Dr Christian Dondrup, Mobile Robots in Elder Care and Dementia Therapy – The STRANDS project.
10:40-11:00 Martin Ross, Investigating the Motivational Behaviours Used by Professional Squash Coaches and Stroke Physiotherapists.
11:00-11:20 Prof Lynne Baillie, Investigating the Possibilities of Socially Assistive Robots with Stroke Survivors
11:20-11:50: Dr Theodoros Georgiou, Haptic Rhythms for Gait Rehabilitation, and Little Robots for Home Emergencies.
11:50-12:30 Demos in the HRI lab
12:30- 13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Dr Katrin Lohan, AI- and Robot- systems adjusting to humans: the power of cognitive load.
14:00-14:45 Dr Amélie Cordier, Challenges from social robots to AI (researchers)
14:45-15:30 Jade Le Maitre, Directrice Associée - Partner, HEASE, Title: From Hospitals to Museums - How Robotics can Enhance your Customer Satisfaction
15:30-16:20 Discussion Panel (coffee and Tea will be provided)
16:20-16:30 Wrap up