Game Based Learning - EU BEACONING Project

Theodore Lim will present a talk "Game Based Learning - EU BEACONING Project" on Friday June 2nd from 12:15-14:00, room TBA.

Theodore is from IMPEE at Heriot-Watt University, his research centres around digital tools for intelligent manufacturing systems.  His interests in game-based approaches, cyber-physical systems and data science have led to two successful EU funded projects in the area of serious games and technology-enhanced learning.

This talk will cover some of the mechanisms under development in the EU H2020 BEACONING project, which could be useful in robotics research.  Designing for anywhere, any time learning brings together several interesting approaches to enable the transactions of knowledge across formal, informal and workplace learning spaces. The transitional mechanisms needed call upon ubiquitous computing, context awareness, pervasive and ambient environments through to procedural content generation and AI, all seamlessly working to deliver a learning solution.

Friday, 2 June, 2017 - 12:15
Theodore Lim
Heriot-Watt University