IPAB Workshop - Depth estimation with light field Cameras: What can we learn from insect eyes?

Abstract: Fast and accurate depth estimation remains a major challenge in computer vision, particularly at long distances and in dynamic scenes.

Inspired by biological vision, we explore the similarities between insect compound eyes and light field cameras - both of which enable depth perception by capturing multiple viewpoints of a scene. Additionally, we investigate whether the light-induced motion of photoreceptors in the fly eye can be used to

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Meeting ID: 337 758 277 805
Passcode: wS2o73Hb estimate depth or enhance depth perception. In this talk, I will outline recent ideas and present preliminary results from simulations of a pinhole light field camera.

Thursday, 20 February, 2025 - 13:00
Cora Hummert
University of Edinburgh
Informatics Forum G.03