Edinburgh Centre for Robotics First Annual Conference

On Friday 23rd October 2015, the first Edinburgh Centre for Robotics took place in the James Watt Centre II at Heriot-Watt University. Industrial delegates, academic staff and students (CDT & aligned) attended the event. Professor Peter Corke, from Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia, opened the Conference with his talk “Why Robots See?”, which highlighted the similarities and differences between human and robot visions, as well as pondered on the future of Robotics in relation to recent advances in Computer Vision.

Edinburgh Centre for Robotics officially launches

The Edinburgh Centre for Robotics held its official launch event on Monday 22nd September 2014, at the Informatics Forum, University of Edinburgh. The launch began with a keynote lecture from Professor Andrew Blake, Laboratory Director at Microsoft Research, who spoke on the history of robotics development at Edinburgh-based universities and the challenges and opportunities the new Edinburgh Centre for Robotics faced.