Vision and Perception

Supervisors for Vision and Perception

  • Keywords:
    Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems; research; uk; robotics; biomedical; imaging
    Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired Approaches
    Heriot-Watt University
  • Keywords:
    geoinformatics; spatial analysis; LiDAR; visibility modelling; data visualisation
    Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction
    Heriot-Watt University
  • Keywords:
    Computer vision and machine learning
    Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)
    University of Edinburgh
  • Keywords:
    Automation, imaging, defect, construction, management
    Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)
    University of Edinburgh
  • Keywords:
    Efficient machine learning, automated machine learning
    Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)
    University of Edinburgh
  • Keywords:
    radar, lidar, computer vision, image processing, compressed sensing, sampling, sensor fusion, machine learning
    Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)
    University of Edinburgh
  • Keywords:
    emotion recognition, visual perception, health and wellbeing
    Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction
    Heriot-Watt University
  • Keywords:
    Assistive robotics, skill assistance, physical human-robot interaction, medical robotics, mechatronics design
    Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft Robotics
    Heriot-Watt University
  • Keywords:
    3D and Stereo Vision
    Vision and Perception
    University of Edinburgh
  • Keywords:
    Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Distribution Shift, SLAM, Verifiable Machine Learning
    Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Verification and Security
    University of Edinburgh
  • Keywords:
    image processing, computational imaging, 3D Lidar
    Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired Approaches
    Heriot-Watt University
  • Keywords:
    Statistical Verification, Safe Planning and Control, Explainable AI, Integrated Task and Motion Planning
    Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)
    University of Edinburgh
  • Keywords:
    Medical Robotics, Image-guided Surgery, Continuum Robots, Applications of Control Theory in Robotics
    Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception
    University of Edinburgh
  • Keywords:
    Robotics, computer vision and AI, medical robotics, autonomous systems, industrial applications.
    Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)
    Heriot-Watt University
  • Keywords:
    Computer Graphics, 3D Vision, Shape Analysis, Geometry Processing, 3D reconstruction, Sketch-based modeling, Medical...
    Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)
    University of Edinburgh
  • Keywords:
    Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, 3D Understanding, AI for Social Good
    Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)
    University of Edinburgh
  • Keywords:
    Optimization Algorithms and Theory, Machine Learning, Multimodal Signal Processing, Network Science
    Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Verification and Security
    Heriot-Watt University
  • Keywords:
    Bio-inspired Computing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Explainable AI, Qualitative Reasoning
    Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired Approaches
    Heriot-Watt University
  • Keywords:
    Robotics, image processing, vision, autonomy
    Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception
    Heriot-Watt University
  • Keywords:
    Testing and Verification, Trustworthy AI, Robustness, Explainable AI, Medical Imaging, Autonomous Vehicles, Formal...
    Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)
    University of Edinburgh
  • Keywords:
    Knowledge representation and reasoning, cognitive systems, interactive learning, control systems, human-robot...
    Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)
    University of Edinburgh
  • Keywords:
    Parallel programming languages, domain specific languages, dataflow models, embedded systems, hardware, model checking...
    Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Verification and Security
    Heriot-Watt University
  • Keywords:
    Embodied AI, Conversational AI, Multimodal Generative AI, Reinforcement Learning, NLP
    Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, NLP, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)
    Heriot-Watt University
  • Keywords:
    Explainable AI, machine learning, deep learning, biomedical image, wearable data and computer vision
    Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)
    Heriot-Watt University
  • Keywords:
    Geometry Processing, Computer Graphics, Shape Analysis, Spatial Analysis, Directional and Vector-field Design, Medical...
    Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception
    University of Edinburgh
  • Keywords:
    Machine learning, medical imaging, computer vision
    Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired Approaches
    Heriot-Watt University
  • Keywords:
    Bio-robotics, Sensorimotor Control
    Vision and Perception, Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired Approaches
    University of Edinburgh
  • Keywords:
    inverse imaging problems, machine learning, optimisation algorithms, astronomical imaging, medical imaging
    Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired Approaches
    Heriot-Watt University
  • Keywords:
    Soft Sensors, Electronic-skins, Soft Robotics, Machine Learning
    Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired Approaches
    University of Edinburgh
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