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Keywords:Natural Language Processing, AI, safety fairness and ethicsTheme:Human Robot Interaction, NLP, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)
Keywords:Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems; research; uk; robotics; biomedical; imagingTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Soft robotics, smart materials, wearable sensorsTheme:Human Robot Interaction, Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Haptic Feedback for Human-Robot Interaction, Radio Frequency (RF) SLAM for Robotic Navigation; Real-Time Systems,...University of Edinburgh
Keywords:software security, user authentication, theorem proving, programming and specification languagesTheme:Verification and SecurityUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:field robotics; agricultural robotics; remote sensing; crop characterization and phenotyping; perception and computer...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Human-Robot Interaction, Social Robotics, Conversational User Interfaces, Speech Technology, AccessibilityTheme:Human Robot InteractionHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Afffective computing, social roboticsHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Human Robot Interaction, Health...Theme:Human Robot InteractionHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:geoinformatics; spatial analysis; LiDAR; visibility modelling; data visualisationTheme:Vision and Perception, Human Robot InteractionHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Explainable AI, Machine learning, Cognitive robotics, Integrated task and motion planningTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Verification and SecurityUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Computer vision and machine learningTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Automation, imaging, defect, construction, managementTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Condition monitoring, signal processing, sonarHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Automation of reasoning; formation and evolution of representations of knowledge; logical theory creation and evolution...Theme:Verification and SecurityUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Robotics, reinforcement learning, multi-agent systems, intelligent control, ad hoc teamwork.Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:human-robot co-operation through visual interfaces; computer vision and image processing, textureHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Machine learning; AI; computer vision; computational imaging; information fusion, medical imaging, signal processingTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft RoboticsHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:data analytics, machine learning, swarm intelligence, autonomous task co-ordinationHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:skin, device-human interfacing, biomedical sensing, sensors, biomimeticsTheme:Human Robot Interaction, Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Efficient machine learning, automated machine learningTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:radar, lidar, computer vision, image processing, compressed sensing, sampling, sensor fusion, machine learningTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:emotion recognition, visual perception, health and wellbeingTheme:Vision and Perception, Human Robot InteractionHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Planetary exploration, Biomimetic RoboticsTheme:Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Human-Robot Interaction, Social Robotics, (Human-aware) Navigation...Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Cognitive robotics, human-robot interaction, multi-agent systems, internet of things, cloud robotics, ambient assisted...Theme:Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Control, modelling, estimationTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Assistive robotics, skill assistance, physical human-robot interaction, medical robotics, mechatronics designTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft RoboticsHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Spoken Dialogue Systems, Natural Language Processing, Linguistics, Human InteractionTheme:Human Robot Interaction, NLPHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:3D and Stereo VisionTheme:Vision and PerceptionUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Rehabilitation robotics, technology assisted healthcare, wearables, human-robot interaction.Theme:Human Robot InteractionHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Underwater Robotics, Bioinspired Robotics, Soft Robotics, Vehicle Hydrodynamics, Mechatronics, Actuator Design, Model...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Distribution Shift, SLAM, Verifiable Machine LearningTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Verification and SecurityUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:image processing, computational imaging, 3D LidarTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Human-robot interaction, spoken dialogue systems, NLG, trustworthy autonomous systems.Theme:Human Robot Interaction, NLPUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Robot learning; self-organisation; developmental robotics; neuroprosthetics; computational neuroscience; data analysisTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:meta-learning, deep learning, computer visionUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Statistical Verification, Safe Planning and Control, Explainable AI, Integrated Task and Motion PlanningTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Automated reasoning; formal modelling; verification and synthesis; productive use of failure; system safetyTheme:Verification and SecurityHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Programming languages design and semantics, types, category theoryTheme:Verification and SecurityUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Natural language processing, language and vision, computational narrativeUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Medical Robotics, Image-guided Surgery, Continuum Robots, Applications of Control Theory in RoboticsTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and PerceptionUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Logic in AI, Verification, Theorem Proving, Types, Programming LanguagesTheme:Verification and SecurityHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Animatronics, Computer graphics and AnimationUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Robotics; parallel mechanism; parallel robot; reconfigurable robot; adaptive robotic hand/gripper; compliant mechanism...Theme:Human Robot Interaction, Robot Design and Soft RoboticsHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Generation, Deep Learning, Machine LearningTheme:NLP, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Robotics, computer vision and AI, medical robotics, autonomous systems, industrial applications.Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Autonomy, control, imaging, sonar, subsea roboticsHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Human-robot interaction, speech, machine learning, multimodal interfaces, collaboration, HRITheme:Human Robot Interaction, NLP, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Computer Graphics, 3D Vision, Shape Analysis, Geometry Processing, 3D reconstruction, Sketch-based modeling, Medical...Theme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Visualisation, haptic interfaces, manufacturingTheme:Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Space Robotics, Planetary Exploration, Bioinspiration, Soft Robotics, Morphological ComputationTheme:Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:bio-inspired control, predictive modelling, optimisationHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:cognitive science, active learning, probabilistic models, transfer learning, multi-task learning, compositionalityTheme:Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, 3D Understanding, AI for Social GoodTheme:Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Legged robotics, Optimal control, Numerical optimization, Reinforcement learning, Model predictive control, Motion...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft RoboticsHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Rehabilitation robotics, wearables, internet of things, prosthetics, assistive robotics, medical robotics, robots for...Theme:Human Robot Interaction, Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:dynamics and control, human motion, humanoid roboticsTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Optimization Algorithms and Theory, Machine Learning, Multimodal Signal Processing, Network ScienceTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Verification and SecurityHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Logic, Automata Theory, Game Theory, Multi-Agent Systems, Formal Verification, Automated Synthesis, Model CheckingTheme:Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Verification and Security
Keywords:Bio-inspired Computing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Explainable AI, Qualitative ReasoningTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Robotics, image processing, vision, autonomyTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and PerceptionHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Automated planning, cognitive robotics, knowledge representation and reasoning, human-robot interaction, explainable...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:6-axis bioprinting, 3D/4D printing, nanofibres, sensorsTheme:Robot Design and Soft RoboticsUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Testing and Verification, Trustworthy AI, Robustness, Explainable AI, Medical Imaging, Autonomous Vehicles, Formal...Theme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Developmental Psychology; Developmental DisordersTheme:Human Robot InteractionHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Robot Learning for Decision Making under Uncertainty, Dexterous Manipulation and Control, Human-Robot Interaction,...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired Approaches, Verification and SecurityUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:human-robot interaction; human behaviour understanding; social robotics; assistive technologies; affective computing;...Theme:Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Multiagent systems, coordination technologies, safe and ethical AI, human-AI collaboration, automated planning,...University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Computer Vision, Video Understanding, Machine LearningUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Knowledge representation and reasoning, cognitive systems, interactive learning, control systems, human-robot...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Parallel programming languages, domain specific languages, dataflow models, embedded systems, hardware, model checking...Theme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Verification and SecurityHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Soft Materials and Biomimetic RoboticsTheme:Human Robot Interaction, Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Reinforcement Learning, Planning, Data-efficient learningTheme:Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Approximate physical simulation, manipulation of deformable objectsTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Embodied AI, Conversational AI, Multimodal Generative AI, Reinforcement Learning, NLPTheme:Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, NLP, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Intelligent Planning and Execution, Search and RescueUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Robot motion planning; human-robot co-operation; robot safety; AUV fault diagnosis and recoveryTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Humanoid robotics; Motion planning, Optimal controlTheme:Control and Motion PlanningUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Explainable AI, machine learning, deep learning, biomedical image, wearable data and computer visionTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Neurorobotics, Human-Robot Interaction, Rehabilitation Robotics, Evolutionary Robotics, Swarm Robotics, Biologically-...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Geometry Processing, Computer Graphics, Shape Analysis, Spatial Analysis, Directional and Vector-field Design, Medical...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and PerceptionUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:deep generative models, complex reasoning, neuro-symbolic AI, reliable and efficient probabilistic inferece, automated...Theme:Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Verification and SecurityUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Humanoid robotics; Robot learning; Computational motor control; Adaptive motion synthesis; ProstheticsTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Microactuators and microrobotics, robotic micromanipulation and microassessmbly, microsystem and electronic packagingTheme:Robot Design and Soft RoboticsHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Motion planning, Verification & Validation, AI Safety, Explainable AI, Scenario GenerationHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Machine learning, medical imaging, computer visionTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Bio-robotics, Sensorimotor ControlTheme:Vision and Perception, Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:inverse imaging problems, machine learning, optimisation algorithms, astronomical imaging, medical imagingTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Soft Sensors, Electronic-skins, Soft Robotics, Machine LearningTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Human-Robot Interaction, Social Robotics, Design InformaticsTheme:Human Robot InteractionUniversity of Edinburgh
Please see the list of themes on the menu on the left. Selecting one of these themes will take you to the list of supervisors associated with this particular area of research.