Keywords:Natural Language Processing, AI, safety fairness and ethicsTheme:Human Robot Interaction, NLP, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)
Keywords:Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems; research; uk; robotics; biomedical; imagingTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Soft robotics, smart materials, wearable sensorsTheme:Human Robot Interaction, Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Haptic Feedback for Human-Robot Interaction, Radio Frequency (RF) SLAM for Robotic Navigation; Real-Time Systems,...University of Edinburgh
Keywords:field robotics; agricultural robotics; remote sensing; crop characterization and phenotyping; perception and computer...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Human-Robot Interaction, Social Robotics, Conversational User Interfaces, Speech Technology, AccessibilityTheme:Human Robot InteractionHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Afffective computing, social roboticsHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Human Robot Interaction, Health...Theme:Human Robot InteractionHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:geoinformatics; spatial analysis; LiDAR; visibility modelling; data visualisationTheme:Vision and Perception, Human Robot InteractionHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Explainable AI, Machine learning, Cognitive robotics, Integrated task and motion planningTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Verification and SecurityUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Computer vision and machine learningTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Automation, imaging, defect, construction, managementTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Condition monitoring, signal processing, sonarHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Automation of reasoning; formation and evolution of representations of knowledge; logical theory creation and evolution...Theme:Verification and SecurityUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Robotics, reinforcement learning, multi-agent systems, intelligent control, ad hoc teamwork.Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:human-robot co-operation through visual interfaces; computer vision and image processing, textureHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Machine learning; AI; computer vision; computational imaging; information fusion, medical imaging, signal processingTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft RoboticsHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:data analytics, machine learning, swarm intelligence, autonomous task co-ordinationHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:skin, device-human interfacing, biomedical sensing, sensors, biomimeticsTheme:Human Robot Interaction, Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Efficient machine learning, automated machine learningTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:radar, lidar, computer vision, image processing, compressed sensing, sampling, sensor fusion, machine learningTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:emotion recognition, visual perception, health and wellbeingTheme:Vision and Perception, Human Robot InteractionHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Planetary exploration, Biomimetic RoboticsTheme:Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Human-Robot Interaction, Social Robotics, (Human-aware) Navigation...Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Cognitive robotics, human-robot interaction, multi-agent systems, internet of things, cloud robotics, ambient assisted...Theme:Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Control, modelling, estimationTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Assistive robotics, skill assistance, physical human-robot interaction, medical robotics, mechatronics designTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft RoboticsHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Spoken Dialogue Systems, Natural Language Processing, Linguistics, Human InteractionTheme:Human Robot Interaction, NLPHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:3D and Stereo VisionTheme:Vision and PerceptionUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Rehabilitation robotics, technology assisted healthcare, wearables, human-robot interaction.Theme:Human Robot InteractionHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Underwater Robotics, Bioinspired Robotics, Soft Robotics, Vehicle Hydrodynamics, Mechatronics, Actuator Design, Model...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:image processing, computational imaging, 3D LidarTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Human-robot interaction, spoken dialogue systems, NLG, trustworthy autonomous systems.Theme:Human Robot Interaction, NLPUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Robot learning; self-organisation; developmental robotics; neuroprosthetics; computational neuroscience; data analysisTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:meta-learning, deep learning, computer visionUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Statistical Verification, Safe Planning and Control, Explainable AI, Integrated Task and Motion PlanningTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Automated reasoning; formal modelling; verification and synthesis; productive use of failure; system safetyTheme:Verification and SecurityHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Programming languages design and semantics, types, category theoryTheme:Verification and SecurityUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Natural language processing, language and vision, computational narrativeUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Medical Robotics, Image-guided Surgery, Continuum Robots, Applications of Control Theory in RoboticsTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and PerceptionUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Logic in AI, Verification, Theorem Proving, Types, Programming LanguagesTheme:Verification and SecurityHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Animatronics, Computer graphics and AnimationUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Robotics; parallel mechanism; parallel robot; reconfigurable robot; adaptive robotic hand/gripper; compliant mechanism...Theme:Human Robot Interaction, Robot Design and Soft RoboticsHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Generation, Deep Learning, Machine LearningTheme:NLP, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Robotics, computer vision and AI, medical robotics, autonomous systems, industrial applications.Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Autonomy, control, imaging, sonar, subsea roboticsHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Human-robot interaction, speech, machine learning, multimodal interfaces, collaboration, HRITheme:Human Robot Interaction, NLP, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Computer Graphics, 3D Vision, Shape Analysis, Geometry Processing, 3D reconstruction, Sketch-based modeling, Medical...Theme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Visualisation, haptic interfaces, manufacturingTheme:Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:bio-inspired control, predictive modelling, optimisationHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:cognitive science, active learning, probabilistic models, transfer learning, multi-task learning, compositionalityTheme:Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, 3D Understanding, AI for Social GoodTheme:Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Legged robotics, Optimal control, Numerical optimization, Reinforcement learning, Model predictive control, Motion...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft RoboticsHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Rehabilitation robotics, wearables, internet of things, prosthetics, assistive robotics, medical robotics, robots for...Theme:Human Robot Interaction, Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:dynamics and control, human motion, humanoid roboticsTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Optimization Algorithms and Theory, Machine Learning, Multimodal Signal Processing, Network ScienceTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Verification and SecurityHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Logic, Automata Theory, Game Theory, Multi-Agent Systems, Formal Verification, Automated Synthesis, Model CheckingTheme:Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Verification and Security
Keywords:Bio-inspired Computing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Explainable AI, Qualitative ReasoningTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Robotics, image processing, vision, autonomyTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and PerceptionHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Automated planning, cognitive robotics, knowledge representation and reasoning, human-robot interaction, explainable...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:6-axis bioprinting, 3D/4D printing, nanofibres, sensorsTheme:Robot Design and Soft RoboticsUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Developmental Psychology; Developmental DisordersTheme:Human Robot InteractionHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Robot Learning for Decision Making under Uncertainty, Dexterous Manipulation and Control, Human-Robot Interaction,...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired Approaches, Verification and SecurityUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:human-robot interaction; human behaviour understanding; social robotics; assistive technologies; affective computing;...Theme:Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Multiagent systems, coordination technologies, safe and ethical AI, human-AI collaboration, automated planning,...University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Computer Vision, Video Understanding, Machine LearningUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Knowledge representation and reasoning, cognitive systems, interactive learning, control systems, human-robot...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Parallel programming languages, domain specific languages, dataflow models, embedded systems, hardware, model checking...Theme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Verification and SecurityHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Soft Materials and Biomimetic RoboticsTheme:Human Robot Interaction, Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Reinforcement Learning, Planning, Data-efficient learningTheme:Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Approximate physical simulation, manipulation of deformable objectsTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Embodied AI, Conversational AI, Multimodal Generative AI, Reinforcement Learning, NLPTheme:Vision and Perception, Human Robot Interaction, NLP, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Intelligent Planning and Execution, Search and RescueUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Robot motion planning; human-robot co-operation; robot safety; AUV fault diagnosis and recoveryTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Humanoid robotics; Motion planning, Optimal controlTheme:Control and Motion PlanningUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Explainable AI, machine learning, deep learning, biomedical image, wearable data and computer visionTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)Heriot-Watt University
Keywords:Neurorobotics, Human-Robot Interaction, Rehabilitation Robotics, Evolutionary Robotics, Swarm Robotics, Biologically-...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Geometry Processing, Computer Graphics, Shape Analysis, Spatial Analysis, Directional and Vector-field Design, Medical...Theme:Control and Motion Planning, Vision and PerceptionUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:deep generative models, complex reasoning, neuro-symbolic AI, reliable and efficient probabilistic inferece, automated...Theme:Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Verification and SecurityUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Humanoid robotics; Robot learning; Computational motor control; Adaptive motion synthesis; ProstheticsTheme:Control and Motion Planning, Human Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems)University of Edinburgh
Keywords:Microactuators and microrobotics, robotic micromanipulation and microassessmbly, microsystem and electronic packagingTheme:Robot Design and Soft RoboticsHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Motion planning, Verification & Validation, AI Safety, Explainable AI, Scenario GenerationHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Machine learning, medical imaging, computer visionTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Bio-robotics, Sensorimotor ControlTheme:Vision and Perception, Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:compressive sensing, computational imaging, optimisation algorithmsTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Bioinspired ApproachesHeriot-Watt University
Keywords:Soft Sensors, Electronic-skins, Soft Robotics, Machine LearningTheme:Vision and Perception, Machine Learning and AI (inc. multi-agent systems), Robot Design and Soft Robotics, Bioinspired ApproachesUniversity of Edinburgh
Keywords:Human-Robot Interaction, Social Robotics, Design InformaticsTheme:Human Robot InteractionUniversity of Edinburgh